Shelly White
My name is Shelly White, I live in East Sussex with my partner and four children, and I am a huge advocate of yoga!
My personal journey with Yoga started in 1999, whilst on a silent Vipasana meditation retreat in Thailand. I wasn't really sure what I had signed up for, partaking in a silent 10 day meditation retreat, with no previous meditation experience, and I didn't realise at the time what an impact it would have on my life and future. Over the years my yoga practice grew, it took a long time for it to become solid and regular but the seed had been planted. I aspired to study yoga in India and it was there I undertook my Teacher Training with the Ananda Vedanta Ashram in 2010.
I have a love for travel and the new cultures, landscapes, people and food that I am treated to and learn from. I spent several years travelling in Central and South America, I was very fortunate to have experienced this, and although my backpack is not so well used these days, I am still continuously inspired by my experiences abroad. Nature both enlivens and nurtures me, I love to practice yoga outdoors, it feels like the most natural place to be with yoga.
Yoga became an invaluable tool and gift to me during my pregnancies, and subsequently as a mother. It also gives endless play and bonding time with my children, and it plays a part in their everyday life.
I practice yoga because it is a constantly evolving journey that opens up new pathways, loves, and lessons. It makes me feel alive, and hopefully a better person. And I teach, because it is a pleasure and an honour to share and grow with this amazing knowledge that we are blessed to have had passed down to us and shared with us. It is a great privilege to be part of your yoga journey.