Hatha Yoga
I undertook my first yoga teacher training at the Ananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram in India in 2010. The training was a live in, intensive, in the style of traditional yoga from the lineage of Swami Sivananda. The yoga school has since been renamed Arhanta yoga Ashram, and their website provides further information about their training which can be found at www.arhantayoga.org
My training is accredited by the governing body, Yoga Alliance and I hold the RYT200 hour certificate. I am also insured through Yoga Alliance and my accreditation can be viewed here www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8hqrKYXAoE
When possible, I partake in teacher training weekends to develop specialist skills and aspects of yoga. I have completed several trainings through Yoga Campus with world leading teachers www.yogacampus.com
The trainings I have undertaken are:
The Science of Sleep with Roger Cole www.rogercoleyoga.com
The Physiology of Stretching with Roger Cole
Restorative Yoga with Roger Cole
Yoga Therapy & Experimential Anatomy
Experimential Anatomy Intensive with Judith Lasatar www.judithhansonlasater.com
The Therapuetics of Yoga with Doug Keller www.doyoga.com
Pregnancy Yoga
I trained in 2011 with Uma Dismore-Tuli, who is one of the leading experts in the field. Uma is the author of several books and has been training teachers in pregnancy and post natal yoga, womb yoga, and yoga nidra since the 1990's. The training was run through Yoga Campus and the Sitaram partnership, more information about Uma and the pregnancy yoga training that I have studied, can be found through her website www.wombyoga.org
Children's Yoga
In 2013 I completed a children's yoga teacher training through Rainbow Kids Yoga. They run teacher trainings worldwide specialising in children's yoga, pre & postnatal yoga, and partner yoga. www.rainbowyogatraining.com
Yin Yoga
I have been studying with Norman Blair since 2011, who is at the forefront of Yin yoga here in the UK. I trained with him at Yoga Campus in 2017, his book 'Lightening our Inner Skies' and website provide a narrative of his teaching. www.yogawithnorman.co.uk
Yoga for Menopause
In 2022 I completed a specialist training in Menopause Yoga with Petra Coveney, through Yoga Campus. Petra created "Menopause Yoga", is the UK's leading figure in this specialism, and has trained thousands of teachers worldwide. Her website www.menopause-yoga.com is packed full of information regarding the menopause, as is her book of the same title.